Free wifi provided by the League enables patients to use their ipads and computers easily
Chairman Gary Purdy and Dr Nikail Balani with the ICU utrasound machine provided by the League in May 2019
The Tonbridge Model Railway society and some enthusiastic pre-lockdown supporters.
League member Caroline Callaway with daughter Felicity who was born in Pembury.
Hospital staff with some of the donations received.
Some of Diana's 2020 Christmas Coffee morning orders ready for collection
CEO Miles Scott helps staff to distribute some of the 2021 donations raised by the Friends
In July 2022 our president Lady Mills opened her Bidborough garden in support of the League.
A chance for friends and neighbours to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the company
Some of the helpers at the table sale on the last Friday of the month.
Diana Barber pictured with chairman Gary Purdy, receiving her special award at the recent NHS75 celebration. Well done Diana - we are all so proud of you!
Diana Barber, Gary Purdy visited the recently redecorated Paediatric ward in October 2023