Contact Us
The League of Friends of Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Tonbridge Road
Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN2 4QJ
Charity Number: 1181156
Council Members
List of presidents, officers and council members year 2023/2024. (All are recognised as being Trustees by The Charity Commission)
Lady De L'Isle
President Lady Mills
Vice President Mrs D E Barber MBE
Vice President Mrs F C Challis
Vice President Mr P J Raymond
Vice President Mrs J Wright
Elected/re-elected approximately every three years.
Chairman Mr G G Purdy
Hon. Secretary Ms Sandra Crouch
Hon. Treasurer Mrs Neelum Poore
Council Members:
Elected/re-elected approximately every three years.
Mrs D E Barber MBE
Mrs J Cook
Mrs M Craven
Mrs A Gibb
Mrs J Johnston
Mrs S Marsh
Mrs G McDonald MBE
Mrs N Poore